Mother Nature

Autumn leaves fall softly to the ground, A gentle rustle without any sound.

The trees stand bare, stark against the sky,

As autumn breezes whistle by.

Nature prepares for winter's cold,

As days grow shorter and nights more old.

The sun shines bright but with less heat, As winter whispers, silent and sweet.

In this season of change and rest,

We pause to reflect on what we know best.

The beauty of life, its ebb and flow,

And the lessons it teaches us as we grow.

With every falling leaf and every crisp breeze,

We realize that life is a tapestry,

Woven together with threads of love, And memories that soar on wings above.

In each moment, in every breath we take,

We find the strength to make peace with our fate.

And though things may change and seasons may pass,

Our spirits remain steadfast and always last.

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Shawn White

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Shawn White

I'm Shawn an accomplished writer with years of experience in fiction, non-fiction, and journalism. I'm known for soulful and reflective style that explores complex human emotions and experiences.